Showcase of American Women Around the World Exhibit

Secretary of State Dean Rusk opened this exhibit, created by AAFSW, in the Department of State Exhibit Hall on October 16, 1963. The Secretary stated “In no job is the wife more essentially involved than in the diplomatic service…they are weaving strands of understanding all over the world.”

Shows the opening event of the American Women Around the World exhibit
Opening of Exhibit “Showcase of American Women Around the World”. Speaking is Mrs. Dean Rusk, wife of Secretary of State Dean Rusk. To right side, Secretary of State Dean Rusk; to left maybe Peggy Beam, President of AAFSW

President John F. Kennedy also sent a telegram to AAFSW congratulating the organization for the exhibit and its message.

Telegram from President John F. Kennedy congratulating AAFSW on exhibit
Telegram from President John F. Kennedy congratulating AAFSW on exhibit.

This exhibit provided a vivid demonstration of the many ways in which American women use their skills and talents in the service of their country.  The exhibit presented a multitude of volunteer projects, educational programs and cultural activities by groups and individuals, in the form of stories and pictures from posts around the world.



Articles and Media Coverage of the Event